User Documentation

User Documentation

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What is Ovyka Satisfaction for JIRA ?

Ovyka Satisfaction plugin for Atlassian JIRA provides a way for users to express their feeling about the resolution of their issues, and for project managers to have a feedback on their customers' satisfaction and its evolution through the lifetime of the project.

How it works

There are two main aspects in Ovyka Satisfaction for JIRA plugin :

  • the user aspect;
  • the project manager aspect.

For customers

Customers are the people creating issues. The customer who raises an issue is called reporter of this issue in JIRA's vocabulary. Their issues are handled by other people (called agents) who analyse the issue, take the necessary actions to resolve it, and ultimately mark the issue as resolved (or closed). This is where Ovyka Satisfaction kicks in.

Email notification

JIRA issue events trigger Ovyka Satisfaction:

  • Issue Closed and Issue Resolved events trigger Ovyka Satisfaction Email notification
  • Issue Reopen event trigger the feedback removal.

The satisfaction survey is sent by email to issue reporter. The satisfaction survey contains following elements :

  • the comment from the agent who closed the issue (if any);
  • a summary of the issue changelog;
  • a small text indicating to the user that he/she can now give a feedback about the way his/her issue was resolved, with a link to a Satisfaction Survey.

The email the issue reporter receives looks like the one given below as an example :

The Satisfaction Survey

The link provided in the email sent to the issue reporter leads to a page displaying a Satisfaction Survey for the user to fill. This survey can only be answered by the issue reporter when the issue is closed, and no one else, even an administrator. As a consequence, users must be logged in to access the survey. If they are not, trying to access the Satisfaction Survey will redirect the user to JIRA's login page.

If a user who is not the issue reporter tries to access the Satisfaction Survey for this issue, this user will be opposed an access denied page, like the one shown below :

Answer a satisfaction survey of a not closed issue is also blocked by satisfaction (issue resolution must be set)

When the reporter of an issue access the Satisfaction Survey for his/her issue, the survey is displayed as shown below (fields used in the survey are the fields which are currently active in the project configuration of Ovyka Satisfaction plugin) :

The Satisfaction Survey is composed of two main parts :

  • a header, containing a summary of the issue for which the survey is displayed, the current status and resolution of the issue, and the dates when the issue was created and resolved.
  • a body, allowing the reporter to answer all of the fields active in project configuration of Ovyka Satisfaction plugin.
    • For rating fields, the user must choose a number of stars, from 1 to 5, to express his/her satisfaction level for the evaluation criteria;
    • For comment fields, the user can type multiple lines of comment, to explain his/her rating;
    • all fields are described by their name (on the left side), and their description (shown below the user input area).

Mandatory fields

All fields of type Rating are mandatory. Fields of type Comment are not.

A survey can only be answered once. If a user tries to access the Satisfaction Survey twice for the same issue, the second access will show an error page, explaining that the survey for the current issue has already been answered, as shown below :

Reopened issues

The Satisfaction Survey can only be answered once. When the issue is reopened (reopened event triggered), the satisfaction survey of this issue is deleted (votes & satisfaction comments). When the issue is closed again, a new notification email will be sent to the issue reporter, who will be able to submit a new evaluation by filling the Satisfaction Survey for the new resolution of the issue.

Deleted and moved issues 

Deleting an issue will automatically trigger the deletion of the satisfaction surveys answers for that issue. This is also the case for moved issues. Moving an issue to another project will change it's context, owner, satisfaction configuration, etc. For these reasons, survey answers for moved issues are also deleted.

For Project Managers

In the Browse Project page of projects they manage, project managers can get some useful information about the satisfaction of their users. They have access to :

  • statistics showing the evolution though time of :
    • the average rating for each active criteria for the project;
    • the average response rate (users having answered the Satisfaction Survey for their closed issues vs users who did not answer yet);
  • a filterable, sortable and paginated list of the evaluations submitted by the users about the resolution of their issues.


If Ovyka Satisfaction plugin is active for a project, clicking Ovyka Satisfaction link will show a page with two tabs. The first one is the Statistics tab. This tab shows two statistics.

For each statistic, two views are proposed :

  • a chart view (you can hover your mouse over the chart to see the data for a specific point of time);
  • a tabular view.
Average satisfaction evolution by field

This statistic shows the evolution of the average rating for each field of the Satisfaction Survey. The image below is an example of what is shown for this statistic (chart and tabular view).

Average response rate evolution

This statistic shows the evolution of the user average response rate through time. For a specific point in time, it gives the average between the number of closed issued and the number of Satisfaction Surveys answered for these issues. The image below shows an example of this statistic.

Evaluations list

The other tab available to project managers is the Evaluations tab.

This tab shows a tabular list of the evaluations submitted by users for their closed issues. For each evaluations, all answers provided by the user is shown here, including rating fields answers and comment fields answers.

Default view

The default view displayed when this tab is accessed shows the list of evaluations, sorted by date, in descending order (latest evaluations first). Here is an example of this view :


If you want to view the data ordered by the value of a field, you can choose a field (rating only) in the Order By drop down located above the table. The Order drop down lets you choose if you want the evaluations sorted in an ascending or descending order. The image below shows the evaluations sorted by the value of the Overall answer satisfaction field, in an ascending order.


You can also filter the evaluations shown in the table. The Reporter and Agent drop downs contains the list of issue reporters and the list of agents (users having resolved the issue). If you choose a reporter, only evaluations for issues created by this reporter will be shown, as depicted in the image below.

The image below shows an even more filtered list, where we added a filter on the agent.

The Order By and Order sort options are exclusive. This means that you can only select one value in each of these drop downs. The filters drop down (Reporter and Agent) are not exclusive. You can choose to filter the evaluations by one ore more reporters. The same goes for the agents. As an example, the image below shows the evaluations filtered by two reporters and one agent.

JQL functions

This is available since version 3.1.0 of the plugin, and function parameters are available since version 3.1.1.

In the issue search screen, it is possible to search for issues having answered surveys or unanswered surveys. Functions are the following :

  • To search for issues for which a survey was sent to the reporter but not answered yet : satisfactionUnansweredList()
  • To search for issues for which a survey was sent to the reporter and which were answered : satisfactionAnsweredList()

These functions return a list of issues (so they must be used with the IN operator, as in issue IN satisfactionAnsweredList()),

With no parameter, these functions will search in all projects where the plugin is active. It is possible to add a paremeter (a project key) to filter results on one project only :


Should you have any questions about Ovyka Satisfaction for JIRA plugin, or should you encounter any problem using it, feel free to contact us by dropping an email to this address : contact@ovyka.com

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