Administrator Documentation

Administrator Documentation

Install Ovyka Audit for Crowd

Atlassian Crowd dos not provide an Universal Plugin Manager, as JIRA or Confluence do. To install a plugin in your Crowd instance, you must download and copy the plugin jar file in the following directory :

  • from Crowd 2.8.0 to Crowd 2.12.0 : <crowd_home_directory>/plugins/
  • for Crowd 3.x : <crowd_home_directory>/shared/plugins/

crowd_home_directory is not Crowd install directory, it's the directory containing Crowd logs and data, refered to as crowd.home in Atlassian documentation.

Access audit page

Ovyka Audit for Crowd adds an administration page, accessible from the administration menu, as shown below. Open the administration menu (the cog icon), and select Ovyka Audit for Crowd.




Import licence

The first time you access the Audit page, you'll only see licensing section saying you don't have a licence.

Once you purchased and received your licence from Ovyka, you can click the Show details link, then the Edit licence button. You'll see a popup window with an empty licence text field in which you can paste your licence, and click save.

You may have to reload the page to get updated information about your new imported licence. Just reload (Ctrl+R or Cmd+R, or click again the Ovyka Audit for Crowd in the left hand menu.

Once a valid licence has been imported, the plugin begins to record events and the audit page lists them.

From now on the audit page will look like this :


The audit log data can also be retrieved via a call to the plugin's REST API.

To call the REST API and get the audit log data as CSV, you can use the following (example with cURL) :

curl -XGET -H "Authorization: Basic <base64_encoded_authentication>" 'https://{crowd.url}/crowd/rest/ovcrwaudit/1.0/admin/history/csv/orderby/{orderBy}/order/{order}'

Depending on your setup, you may have to remove /crowd after {crowd.url}.


Example URL :

curl -XGET -H "Authorization: Basic <base64_encoded_authentication>" 'https://my.crowd.com/crowd/rest/ovcrwaudit/1.0/admin/history/csv/orderby/userKey/order/asc'


The base64 encoded authentication value is the pair username:password (for example for a username myusername and a password mypassword, the pair looks like this : myusername:mypassword and is then encoded as a base64 value (in this example, it would give : bXl1c2VybmFtZTpteXBhc3N3b3Jk ).

Note that the user used to call the REST API should have admin rights in crowd instance, because this data is available only to Crowd administrators.


In the REST API URL, there are two parameters to fill : orderby and order.

Possible values are as follows :

orderby : The field on which the plugin should order results

  • date : event date
  • userKey : the user having triggered the event
  • eventType : the type of the event (user creation, user authenticated, group membership created, ...)

order : In which direction to order results

  • asc : Ascending order
  • desc : Descending order