Ovyka BI Indexer - ElasticSearch for JIRA

Index all JIRA data and history of changes for your Business Intelligence, and other advanced reports needs

With BI Indexer - ElasticSearch for JIRA, you can index all your data and history of changes on tickets to ElasticSearch (open source search engine & reporting solution).

  • allows you to build from simple to highly complex reports
  • ultra high performance - best practice integration with a 3rd party open source solution, avoiding a BI plugin in JIRA which would cause many performance issues. Never crash your JIRA again for reporting needs
  • You can filter the contexts and custom fields you wish to index, or select everything
  • Coupled with Kibana (open source solution from Elastic), it will help you create high value custom dashboards for free
  • more features to come - feel free to contact Ovyka with your needs and suggestions
  • You can also contact Ovyka for all your custom needs, we've integrated very valuable custom BI dashboards already

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Knowledge Base & Troubleshooting

Feel free to raise a support request on Support portal (https://ovyka1.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/11)

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