In the administration area, in the left menu bar, you'll find a new section called OvSatisfaction containing one link two links : OvSatisfaction AdministrationConfiguration and Email Template. Clicking this link will the Configuration link will open the administration page for the OvSatisfaction plugin.
- a field line in Edit mode;
- an administrator-added field (with a delete link);
- an inactive field;
- the Add new field button.
Notification Email Administration
In the administration area, in the left menu bar, the second link in the OvSatisfaction menu, Email Template, opens a page allowing to manage the template of the notification email sent to users.
Email template mode
Email template form and samples
When installed for the first time, the default template is selected, so the plugin works immediatly, out-of-the-box. But if you prefer, you can choose to create your own HTML email template. For this, check the Custom template option. When this is done, a template creation/testing form appears, as shown in the screenshot below :
Let's see what each element is for :
- Issue to use for preview : This input let's you select one of your existing issues, which allows to preview email templates with real values from the selected issue. Start typing an issue key, and the matching issues will appear in a selectable list. Continue typing to reduce the number of available issues :
- Template title: This is the title of your template, only used internally.
- Subject template : The template of the email subject. In this template, you can use placeholders to inject values from the issue (either the selected issue for preview, or the closed/resolved issue for real notification emails).
- Body template : the HTML body of the email notification. This is where you create your email content. As in the subject, you can include placeholders, to inject values from the issue. This template must use at least one place holder : [survey.link], which injects the url of the survey form. You can use it in the href attribute of a <a> html tag.
- The blue buttons under each template input area allow to switch between edition mode and preview mode.
- Buttons :
- Save : saves your template;
- Delete : deletes your template and replaces it by the default template;
- Load sample : You can use this button to load one of the provided examples. Click this button, and a pop up window will open, with a carrousel showing the three available samples. Select the one you want to load, then click the Load Sample button.
Here are the different sample templates shown in the pop up :
In both the subject and body templates of your notification email, you can use placeholder to inject values extracted from the issue for which the notification is being sent.
Close to the body template preview button, you'll find a help button : .
Clicking this button will open a help screen, showing the placeholders that you can use in your templates, as shown on the screenshot below :
Among the available placeholders are :
- [summary]
- Replaced by the issue summary
- [description]
- Replaced by the issue description
- [last-comment]
- Replaced by the last issue comment
- [custom-field-XXX]
- Replaced by the value of the custom field identified by its id (XXX must be replaced by the custom field value) in the processed issue.
- If the field contains a date, the default format will be used : yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
- [survey.link]
- Adds url of the Satisfaction survey, to be added in a link href, for example.
- [custom-field-XXX|yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss]
- Same placeholder as above, but with a date/time format. If the custom field contains a date, it will be displayed using the provided format.
- [issue.XXX]
- Allows to include any issue field value. XXX must be replaced by the name of the field to extract. For example, to extract the issue creation date, the placeholder must be : [issue.created]
- If the field contains a date, the default format will be used : yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
- Available issue fields :
- reporter : the issue reporter
- assignee : the issue assignee
- reporterId : the reporter username
- assigneeId : the assignee username
- created : the issue creation date
- updated : the issue update date
- resolution : the issue resolution status
- status : the issue workflow status
- priority : the issue priority
- issueType : the issue type
- votes : the number of votes of this issue
- watches : the number of watchers for this issue
- resolutionDate : the issue resolution date
- dueDate : the issue due date
- summary : the issue summary
- description : the issue description
- key : the issue key (for example DEMO-1)
- affectedVersion : the list of affected version for this issue
- fixVersions : the list of fix versions for this issue
- [issue.XXX|yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss]
- Same placeholder as above, but with a date/time format. If the issue field contains a date, it will be displayed using the provided format.
Project Administration
To administrate the OvSatisfaction plugin for a specific project, first go to the Browse Project page for the project you want to configure (top menu > Projects > your-project-key ), then clink on the Administration link. This will open the main project administration page, showing panels for administration sections. You'll see a new panel, dedicated to OvSatisfaction, looking like this :