- Edit the relevant workflow (for the projects/issue types you wish to cover with Satisfaction surveys)
- Select the post-functions tab, as shown below :
- Click on the Add post function link, then add the Satisfaction Survey Sending Post Function to the transition in which you want to send the notification :
- Click the Add button, and don't forget to publish the workflow for the changes to be taken into account.
Please note the Satisfaction Survey Sending Post Function can also work in parallel to event based notification triggers.
Here is the transition post functions with Satisfaction post function added.
Survey resending
Please note that the survey will be resent to the reporter if another resolved/closed event or postfunction is triggered and the reporter hasn't answered yet.
only send the survey to reporters who are external customers:
Code Block reporter in membersof("external customer group")
only for specific issue types: e.g. if you want satisfaction surveys for bug resolution only
Code Block issuetype = "Bug"
- only for specific components, custom field values, etc.
To configure JQL context, go into global administration page for Ovyka Satisfaction for JIRA and update the JQL query int the JQL context section, as shown below :
Survey fields
The plugin comes with 4 preconfigured fields :