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Plugin installation
The Ovyka Advanced Notifer for JIRA plugin is provided as a JAR file.
Once the plugin is installed, a new menu appears in the Add-ons administration page left menu, as shown below (you may have to reload page if plugin was just installed).
Plugin configuration
The configuration of the Ovyka Advanced Notifer for JIRA plugin is divided in five configuration elements :
- Permissions : The Ovyka Advanced Notifer for JIRA plugin adds an email sending form to issue views. This form will only be displayed for users allowed to use the plugin. The Permissions administration screen allows you to select which users are allowed to use the Ovyka Advanced Notifer for JIRA plugin, and which user are allowed to administer the plugin.
- Recipients Lists : Recipients Lists allow you to define lists of email addresses to which notifications will be sent. In a recipeint list, you can define multiple TO, CC and BCC email addresses.
- Contexts : A Context defines which in which issues the Ovyka Advanced Notifer for JIRA email sending form will appear. It contains a list of projects, and a list of issue types. Issues in the selected project and with one of the selected issue types will have the mail sending form displayed.
- History : Notification history allow you to view sent notifications
The permissions screen allows you to see and add allowed users and administrators. The email sending form will be displayed only for users allowed to use the Ovyka Advanced Notifer for JIRA plugin. Allowed users are displayed as shown in screenshot below :
To add users to plugin administrators in addition to global administrators, you can add them to Ovyka Advanced Notifier for JIRA allowed administrators.
Recipients Lists
A recipient list is the list of email addresses to which notifications will be sent when this recipient list is selected in the email sending form (more on this later).
Once you click the Save button, your recipient list is added to the list.
Contexts define for which issues the email sending form will be displayed. To define a context, you must select :
Once saved, it appears in the contexts list as shown below.
The Templates administration screens allows you to create email templates.
The Templates administration screen is divided in two parts : context and template selection, and template edition/creation.
Context and Template selection
The first part of the screen allows you to select the context to which this email template will be associated to. This means that this template will only be available in issues belonging to the selected context (project and issue type). It appears as shown below.
To edit an existing template, select it the the dropdown list. To create a new template, leave the Select template field empty.
Template creation
In the screenshot below, you can see the administration screen as it is when a context is selected, and no template is selected. This is the template creation mode.
Template title
Enter a title for your template. Please note templates titles are unique. You cannot create two templates with the same title.
Subject template
The subject template is the template of the mail subject. You can enter a line of text, and include placeholders if necessary (more on placeholders later).
Body template
The body template is the template of the mail body. Note that this is an HTML template. You can enter HTML code, or just plain text, but the mail that will be sent will have the text/html mime type. You can include as many placeholders as desired.
Issue to use for preview
Subject and body templates can be previewed, to allow you to see how the sent mail will look like. If placeholders are included, they will not be replaced in the generated preview.
To select an issue, just begin typing, and a list of matching issues will be displayed. Just continue typing to refine the list of matching issues until you find the desired issue.
Template edtion
To edit an existing template, once the context is selected, select a template in the Select template field. In the lower part of the screen, the template title, subject and body will be displayed. You can then edit them and save your modification.
Template preview
Under subject and body template fields, a preview icon is displayed :
If you click this icon, the template will be replaced by its preview (this is the preview mode), and the icon will become like this : . Click the icon again to return to edition mode....
As you can see, placeholders were replaced by values extracted from the selected issue.
Placeholders are predefined tags that can be added in templates, and that will be replaced in the generated emails by values from the issue the email is based on.
- [summary]
- Replaced by the issue summary
- [description]
- Replaced by the issue description
- [last-comment]
- Replaced by the last issue comment
- [custom-field-XXX]
- Replaced by the value of the custom field identified by its id (XXX must be replaced by the custom field value) in the processed issue.
- If the field contains a date, the default format will be used : yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
- [custom-text]
- Adds the custom text entered in the email sending form.
- [custom-field-XXX|yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss]
- Same placeholder as above, but with a date/time format. If the custom field contains a date, it will be displayed using the provided format.
- [issue.XXX]
- Allows to include any issue field value. XXX must be replaced by the name of the field to extract. For example, to extract the issue creation date, the placeholder must be : [issue.created]
- If the field contains a date, the default format will be used : yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
- Available issue fields :
- reporter : the issue reporter
- assignee : the issue assignee
- reporterId : the reporter username
- assigneeId : the assignee username
- created : the issue creation date
- updated : the issue update date
- resolution : the issue resolution status
- status : the issue workflow status
- priority : the issue priority
- issueType : the issue type
- votes : the number of votes of this issue
- watches : the number of watchers for this issue
- resolutionDate : the issue resolution date
- dueDate : the issue due date
- summary : the issue summary
- description : the issue description
- key : the issue key (for example DEMO-1)
- affectedVersion : the list of affected version for this issue
- fixVersions : the list of fix versions for this issue
- [issue.XXX|yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss]
- Same placeholder as above, but with a date/time format. If the issue field contains a date, it will be displayed using the provided format.
History allow you to consult sent notifications
- Clic on the view button to see the notification detail
- The notification is also shown as a comment in the issue
Plugin usage
For tickets belonging to users not allowed to use the Ovyka Advanced Notifer for JIRA plugin or not belonging to one of the defined contexts, nothing special will appear in issue view.